Climate Change is one of the most pressing global issues in our world today. Almost every country in the world has issued their own environmental laws in order to minimize the effects of climate change and a lot of ads, slogans, posters and campaigns against climate change have been launched by concerned environmental organizations and government institutions in order to raise awareness to the public of how we could help stop this global crisis. However, it is sad that out of billions of people in the world, only few have responded to the call.
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Create equitable, sustainable food systems
The food systems that humanity is relying on today is one of the major causes of land cover change and emission of greenhouse gases. While we already know that this approach has devastating effects on biodiversity, ground water resources and soil nutrition, the effects of the climate crisis will add excessive stress to food security around the world, but especially for the most vulnerable communities.
Support youth-led solutions
Climate change has been on the front burner of global conversations. As a young person who is passionate about building a sustainable future for my generation and posterity, I am promoting awareness on the subject of climate change and advocating for a just-transition, which leaves no one behind, through multimedia storytelling.
When a climate change occurs, temperature drastically increases which may lead to different changes in the Earth. It can result to floods, droughts, intense rain, more frequent and severe heat waves and melting of ice glaciers which results in the sudden rise of Earth’s water volume in seas and oceans. Some major factors which cause climate change are burning or combustion of fossil fuel to produce energy which can be found in fueled vehicles and some factories. Smoking activities such as burning which emit a lot of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which results in greenhouse formation. Deforestation, Pollution and other illegal activities of man are also contributing factors.
Now the questions I would raise, if climate change can’t be stopped, could Earth still be able to sustain life? What will happen to the next generation to come? The answer to these questions now lies in our hands. Most especially the youth. Why us? Why we should be involved? It is because the youths of today are the future and the people of tomorrow. It’s the youths of today that will serve as the foundation for the next generation to come.
So how can Youths help stop climate change? Some youths are not rich to sponsor various environmental programs or projects. Some are not influential people who could invite many people. Some are just ordinary students. But keep in mind that all of these notions are not required in order to help fight climate change.
Youths can help stop climate change in their own simple yet purposeful ways. Such as: joining environmental organizations or groups; participating in various governmental, non-governmental, school or community programs and projects against climate change; joining clean-up drives at school or in community.
Participating in tree planting and go-green activities; garbage picking and recycling initiatives; getting involved in environmental protests and campaigns; using social media like Facebook, twitter or Instagram in promoting climate change and environmental awareness to the public.
Limiting the use of plastics; helping report illegal activities to authorities; walking or biking in short distances instead of riding fueled vehicles; segregating garbage at home and lastly, encouraging our friends, schoolmates and our family to do what we are doing.
Doing those things can help mitigate climate change. Today, we should realize that we have a moral responsibility towards our environment and our planet. Stopping climate change is not easy. But if we work together as one, our micro-efforts will have a macro effect on our environment and our planet. The survival of every living being on Earth depends on how we handle our environment. We humans are the highest form of being in this planet, so we are to blame if things go wrong in our planet. To me and to all the youths around the world, let us act now. Let us be involved in this fight. As a young generation, let us help the former generation in shaping our environment. Our voice matters and our life matters. So what are we waiting for? Let us stand together in stopping climate change.
Written By: Arnold Mutamiri
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