
Career Management: discussion of a quality leader !

Editor: Arnold Mutamiri

Career management is very broad but, in this article, we seek to explore more on the quality of a leader as everyone is a leader in his own right. It is a privilege to be a leader. A leader influences others towards a goal and must have a clear vision of what is going on and what is around.

Many companies and institutions have leadership trainings they do to equip their employees or leaders at work because knowledge is power. Career development is important for companies to make and tolerate a continuous learning environment.

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Qualities of a good leader in an organisation:

Adaption to change: When one is a leader and fail to change the world, the world can change that person. The world is a fast changing therefore, a good leader should move with time and on the same page with others.

Humility: to behumble is a clear sign of respecting people around you whether educated or not educated. Respectful to authority is a secret of success. Remember at work, we work with people with various levels of education, marital statuses and different problems.

Ability to work as a team, many good leaders provide an environment where everyone is free to air views as a team and solve problems together. Being emotional balanced is a sign of a good leader.

Be a good communicator; learn to disseminate information in time. Have good listening skills. Career management is becoming significant since the workplace is a zone in which social equality, workplace diversity, and personal freedom can be achieved hence communication plays a big role.

 Love people, its good to love people around you as this may open new ideas through interaction with everyone and if you discriminate people, you may miss important things from those who are gifted with what you do not know. So as a leader love people as love may come with a price.

Problem solving skills, leaders who are focussed spend their time in this area. One should have good public relation skills and be able to solve problems neutrally.

Meeting Management:

Meetings are very important in any organisation or company of any size and they should be taken seriously as they are a forum for the future prospects of the company.  A good leader should know the agenda of the meeting and prepare for it in earnest. When chairing a meeting, a leader must be flexible in giving chances to respond or talk. A chair of the meeting or leader must set ground rules which are flexible in controlling the meeting.

Every point raised in a meeting must be valued because the person raised a point made an effort to contribute. Dictators may lead people astray with their sole ideas. A pool of ideas may help in decision making as they leave a meeting with an option to opt for other ideas. 

Meetings should have time set or allocated to avoid seating for long because people will end up discussing irrelevant content and this will cause disputes in the end. A leader in his controlling of meeting must also control time by giving equal time of talk to people seating in the meeting.

Meetings are set to discuss and to motivate a team to perform more towards achieving goals and they are not a show of power. Employees’ values, desires, and feelings differs, depending on their phase of career development and biological age. As a result, leaders and supervisors must understand the career development procedure and the variances in employee needs and interests at each stage of development.  Hope this information will be of great help.

Written: By David Nhawu

Feedback: Email: sirdavidn@gmail.com  WhatsApp: +263 71 565 0293

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