How career development help youths select a successful career path?
Editor: Arnold Mutamiri
A career path is an arrangement of job positions connecting similar types of work and skills that employees interchange in a company. This process is a smart way of promotion from one portfolio to the other. The concept is called a ladder concept by the author.
When one needs to go higher, he or she can move to step to the other step of the ladder. Because you have set a goal, you need to keep stepping up with the ladder. The longer the ladder, the longer the steps, if you know you know. There are people who are in the education sector. They can seek career paths, which may take them far from just writing on the chalkboard to curriculum developer or more. This is done in earnest; one can upgrade to the step of being a head of pedagogy or school head. From that position can further upgrade to an educational officer supervising school heads.
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Remember that the sky is the limit; one can take a final step to be a curriculum developer because the experience has been sinking over the years. A caregiver in the health sector can upgrade to a nurse position then take the route of a pharmacist because the experience has taken him or her there.
These links are done with reading for career development. Developing career paths comprises of analyzing work and information flows, qualifications and the types of tasks performed across jobs, similarities and differences in working settings, and the past movement patterns of employees into and out of jobs (that is, where in the company employees come from and what positions they take after exiting the job). Look at the trend I have seen, people who once trained as pilots with air force can after serving the army join private airlines as co-pilots or trainers.
In career paths, one must identify skills required for advancement within and crossways job relations or family, such as moving from technical jobs to administration jobs). A motor mechanic experienced in the workshop can elevate to the position of a workshop manager. It will be easy to manage a workshop since all the challenges faced in the workshop will be on fingertips.
A qualified 10 years haulage truck driver can elevate to fill the position of a transport and logistic manager. It will be easy to design short and economic routes as a transport manager since the skill will be there through practical test of driving long distances.
A retired police detective can fill the position of a risk manager in the banking sector providing security solutions to cash in transit department. Security service is all over. Examples are many but what is important is to see people elevating well with a good path. The issue of career paths starts from advanced level of education by choosing a right subject combination. The time one finishes the academic studies before university, a right path should be have created. At university or polytechnic college, one must choose a right program, which will allow him or her to advance and elevating him or her to the desired position.
There are some common mistakes done by many students world over. Once one is engaged in a program, which does not give opportunities of advancing to greater heights, it means that person will have to start on the basics to re direct to the desired career path. Therefore, be wise in selecting a career from the grassroots. Career development and career path is very broad. Watch space for more articles related to this topic.
Written By: David Nhawu
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