
Stop relying on the salary only, go an extra mile and invest !

Editor: Arnold Mutamiri

Walking an extra mile as youths

Youths are strong, powerful and make the world a better place with their strength, determination and strong belief that they can overcome societal hurdles, as they are an energetic age group. “Walking an extra mile”.  The phrase is a metaphor where “mile” does not mean physical distance. There are different meanings of the phrase which may include,

 ●            Doing more than what is required to reach a goal.

●             Making more effort than what is expected of you.

●             Doing more than what is asked for.

●             Exceeding expectations. Doing something extra ordinary.

●             Make special effort to achieve something.

●             Working harder to get a task done.

●             Intrinsic desire to do good

Extra mile at workplace:

People have allocated duties with job descriptions at their respective workplaces. Going an extra mile at work means going beyond your assigned duties for the interest of the organisation. Some are self employed and can still make more effort than what is expected of them. One can work extra hours to attend to important work without any benefit of being paid overtime.

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Some youths who are in the health sectors working as nurses can go an extra mile by offering free counselling sessions to their youth’s friends on topical issues affecting youths in the world. Some of the issues affecting youths are drugs and substance abuse and sexual related issues. A youth nurse or medical practitioner can offer counselling at home and at work for the love of serving the world. Everyone has a duty and task to make this world a better place.

Teachers can offer free unpaid lessons for the love of educating the world. If people get education, it means the world is educated and people will be on a same page. Some people are registered vendors and they can go an extra mile by cleaning their vending booths or stales to make sure that the environment is always pleasing. Policemen can help the communities by offering security tips for a safer community engaging in neighborhood watch services.

Stop relying on the salary:

Taxed salaries are all over the world and people are aware of that. What matters is what you one does with the salary after tax. Money has never been enough to anyone, even billionaires still want more on top of billions. Going an extra mile in taking a small chunk of the salary and invest will make one to be a someone when the investment matures.

Create a situation of making more money and help the needy. Some have good salaries and it is good that they are managing with those salaries. It will be a good to identify at least one or two people in needy like school fees and pay for them. Don’t you think it will be an investment to invest in the future of someone? We need a world with people who help each other and invest in the future generation. Doing savings is another way of going an extra mile and this will benefit one in the retirement age after years of working hard. Working hard to archive big is going an extra mile.

Not all the situations require money but other situations just need your time. Investing in time will uplift one and that way, its also going an extra mile. Investing in ideas is going extra mile. Ideas can still remain ideas if not implemented. A journey of thousand miles begins with a step. Step forward with that idea and invest in that idea.      

Written By: David Nhau

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