ILO International Labour Organization was created in 1919 to promote social justice and workers’ rights. It was created as part of the Treaty of Versailles after World War I.
ILO was created to address demands for social justice and higher living standards. The ILO was created by representatives of governments, employers, and workers.
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The position is located in the Priority Action Programme “Transition from the informal to the formal economy” (AP/F) under the DDG portfolio. The APs focus on the effective coordination and integration of policies and activities across the different areas of the ILO’s work and the provision of integrated support to constituents.
They are expected to function as entry points for leveraging partnerships and cooperation in support of the Global Coalition for Social Justice. The four APs have been designed to foster integrated cross-Office action and collaborative working modalities across departments at headquarters and in field offices, addressing decent work deficits affecting specific, well-defined populations and ensuring integrated policy responses aimed to result in measurable outcomes. In this way, the APs will enable the consolidation and expansion of in-house expertise and knowledge on key policy areas of the world of work; this will translate into increased impact at country level and the stronger positioning of the ILO globally. The APs will be implemented in close cooperation with ILO tripartite constituents and involve relevant entities of the multilateral system, as well as development partners and civil society organizations concerned with the specific theme each AP is targeting.
The APs aim to consolidate relevant facets of the specific AP themes that are addressed by different organizational units, adding value to and enabling this work by:
(a) facilitating knowledge exchange;
(b) developing and sharing new tools and methodologies;
(c) strengthening advocacy and communication;
(d) improving coordination of capacity development initiatives, including with the ITC–ILO; and
(e) engaging with multilateral organizations and building consensus and coordinated action that ensures the bulk of the risk is not placed on the most vulnerable workers least able to bear it. Such actions should ensure that APs’ impact on knowledge, policy advice and capacity-building is significant, measurable and visible.
Description of Duties
- Carry out a range of activities for the implementation of activities of the AP/F in conformity with ILO policies, procedures and practices; the AP/F work plan; and in accordance with ILO programming guidelines and country action programs and with particular attention to gender responsiveness; including supporting the AP/F professional team for: i) preparation of the 2025 General Discussion on Transition to Formality at the International Labour Conference, ii) preparation of the follow-up action plan for the Governing Body, iii) organization of the Global Knowledge Sharing Forum and the AP/F extended team retreat and iv) monitoring delivery of all target CPOs linked to Output 8.2.
- Collaborate with the AP/F professional team and national partners in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities, in coordination with the ILO Field Offices and HQ.
- Provide administrative and technical backstopping for the AP/F, as required.
- Carry out research and provide technical inputs in the preparation of analytical research, reports and publications, and draft technical discussion papers.
- Establish and/or maintain a database for monitoring and evaluation aimed at tracking progress against Key Performance Indicators. Identify problems and make recommendations for follow up actions.
- Liaise on operational matters related to the project with different stakeholders from governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations, UN agencies and non-governmental organizations.
- Provide inputs for budget preparation and other related matters, including preparing relevant documentation for responsible ILO entities.
- Participate in training seminars and workshops as resource person. Contribute to the development of training materials.
- Collaborate closely with relevant ILO programmes and projects, ILO units and responsible ILO offices and DWT as appropriate, to obtain technical inputs and share best practices and lessons learned.
- Undertake missions relating to AP/F work plan implementation.
- Undertake other duties as required.